The seller warrants to the buyer that the property offered for sale conforms to its description.

The bike has been fully inspected and its provenance has been officially verified by the agent, Ross Wilson, on behalf of Sotheby’s NY. Further details of the authentication can be provided by the agent and seller upon request.

Buyers may inspect the bike via invite to a private link. All Imagery and video content of the item is original and has been provided by the owner/seller. Buyers must adhere to the inspection dates indicated in the item description or contact the agent directly if they would like to more details.

The details and content of this sale are strictly confidential and must NOT be distributed in any way, including social channels, leaked to press or shared by email unless permission has been authorised by the owner/seller of the bike.

This sale will be conducted by email. Interested parties will be informed of the sale date and time by email, with instructions to place their offers.

In the event of two or more matching offers, the sale will automatically trigger a 'sealed bids' format. The agent will notify buyers of the activation of sealed bids by email. In this situation, the highest offers secures the purchase. 

The owner/seller reserves the right to reject all unsuitable offers and to withdraw the item from sale if necessary.

The successful buyer will receive a contract of sale/invoice document by email, confirming their right to purchase the item. Agreement by email and a holding deposit of 25% of the final sale price will be required for the buyer to secure the item. This deposit is non refundable.
Please Note: The holding deposit must be paid immediately to the seller by online bank transfer in pounds sterling.

Full payment must be received within an agreed time scale with the owner/seller. Payment must be made to the owner by bank transfer in pounds sterling.
Failure to pay the balance within the agreed time scale will result in the possible termination of the contract of sale and the immediate resale of the item.
Please Note: Cheques, Credit Card Payments, PayPal or Money Orders will NOT be accepted.

Escrow service can be arranged for the buyer if required.
Terms of the Escrow are to be negotiated with the seller/owner.

There will be NO partial payments for the balance will be accepted for this sale. The buyer must pay for the item in full. 

Shipping is to be by air freight only.
No goods will be shipped until full payment has been received and funds have cleared.
All shipping, import charges and tax related costs are at the buyers expense.
Shipping estimates can be provided for your respective country. 
Estimates include professional crated packaging, insurance, tracking and door to door shipping.
The owner can assist in arranging specialist air freight shipping upon request.
International shipping can be arranged between Monday 9th December and Friday 20th December.
Please Note; Items requested to be shipped on the week commencing the 23rd of December 2019 will be subject to a premium shipping fee and possible delay due to the holiday period.

Is to be Free On Board (FOB) Origin, meaning the purchaser pays the shipping costs and gains ownership and liability of the goods once their shippers collect the item from the sellers address. The buyer must use reputable shippers with full insurance.

Delivery of the item will take approximately 5-9 days after the sale has been fully completed. This estimate is based on international air freight shipping times. 
PLEASE NOTE: Delivery times and pricing may be subject to change or delay depending on location and the date the item is shipped.

The owner/seller does not accept returns. The owner/seller will take detailed photographs prior to packing to clearly illustrate the bikes pristine condition in case of any damage that may occur during shipping or unpacking. These photos will be collated into a full condition report prior to shipping.

The seller will not be liable for any damage caused in transit.